September Farm Update

September Farm Update

We are thrilled to bring you the freshest updates from our farm. Life on the farm is always busy, but we are excited to be coming into the busiest time of year. We are into the first phase of the corn harvest, and our Bestifor team is hard at work. Right now, things...
Unveiling Our Timothy Treasures

Unveiling Our Timothy Treasures

Are you on the hunt for an all-natural, healthy, enriching nourishment option for your furry friend? Look no further – Grandpa’s Best Timothy Treasures are now available. Crafted with meticulous care and the highest quality Timothy hay available, these rounds...
Which Hay to Use if You Have Hay Allergies

Which Hay to Use if You Have Hay Allergies

If you suffer from hay allergies, finding the right hay for your animals can be a challenge. Hay can be a source of irritation for many people, and even a small amount of the wrong type of hay can cause serious symptoms. Here are some tips to help you choose the best...
How to Keep Rabbits Cool in Hot Weather

How to Keep Rabbits Cool in Hot Weather

As the temperature starts to rise in the summer months, it’s important to ensure that your furry pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs stay cool and comfortable. These small animals are particularly sensitive to heat, and can easily suffer from heatstroke if not...
Why Teff Grass is Highly Beneficial for Animals

Why Teff Grass is Highly Beneficial for Animals

When it comes to forage options for livestock and agricultural purposes, we often think of traditional grasses like Bermuda grass or alfalfa hay. However, there is a lesser-known but highly promising forage option that deserves our attention: Teff grass. This unique...
Hay for Your Guinea Pigs

Hay for Your Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are adorable, social pets that make great companions. They are easy to care for and can be kept indoors or outdoors. When it comes to their diet, hay is an essential component that provides them with the necessary nutrients and fiber for their overall...