Which Hay to Use if You Have Hay Allergies

Which Hay to Use if You Have Hay Allergies

Jul 21, 2023 | News

If you suffer from hay allergies, finding the right hay for your animals can be a challenge. Hay can be a source of irritation for many people, and even a small amount of the wrong type of hay can cause serious symptoms. Here are some tips to help you choose the best hay if you have allergies.

Avoid Timothy Hay

Timothy hay is one of the most popular types of hay for small animals, but it is also a common allergen. If you have hay allergies, it is best to be careful around Timothy and potentially avoid Timothy hay altogether.

Look for Orchard Grass

Orchard grass is a great alternative to Timothy hay for people with hay allergies. Orchard grass provides the same great nutritional benefits that Timothy is renowned for. It is low in protein and high in fiber, ensuring your animal receives great nutrition without the high amount of allergens found in Timothy.

Consider Prairie Hay

Prairie Hay tends to have lower allergenic properties. By choosing Prairie Hay you can minimize the risk of exposure to allergens while still providing your furry companion with a nutritious and enjoyable diet. As always, it’s essential for pet owners to consult with a veterinarian to ensure that Prairie Hay is a suitable and safe choice for their specific pets’ dietary needs and health conditions.

Purchase High-Quality Hay

No matter what type of hay you choose, it is important to purchase high-quality hay. Lower-quality hay may be more likely to contain dust or mold, which can exacerbate allergies. Look for hay that is green, fragrant, and free of mold or dust.

Soak Your Hay

If you are experiencing allergies, even with high-quality, low-allergen hay soaking your hay can help. Soaking your hay before feeding it to your animals can help reduce the amount of dust and allergens. Place the hay in a bucket of water and let it soak for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water and give the soaked hay to your animals.

Use a Hay Feeder

Using a hay feeder can help reduce the amount of dust and allergens in the air. A hay feeder keeps the hay contained and makes it easier for your animals to eat without stirring up dust. There are many different types of hay feeders available, so choose one that works best for your animals.

In conclusion, finding the right hay if you have hay allergies requires some research and experimentation. Avoid Timothy hay and consider Orchard grass or our Native Kansas Prairie Hay. Purchase high-quality, low-allergen hay and if needed, soak hay before feeding it to your animals. Finally, use a hay feeder to reduce the amount of dust and allergens in the air. By following these tips, you can ensure that your animals are healthy and happy without triggering your hay allergies.

Have questions about selecting the best hay for your furry friend?
Contact us via email at support@gbpets.com or give our friendly staff a call at 785.527.8250

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