

Jul 8, 2023 | Thoughts & Musings

The need to having a purpose goes beyond personal happiness and fulfillment. It often involves serving others, finding and utilizing your unique talents, and having a positive impact on others around you. Finding purpose is a personal journey – it involves introspection, self-discovery, and aligning your actions with your values and passions. Having a clear sense of purpose gives your life meaning, direction, and fulfillment. It fuels your passions and drives you to overcome obstacles.
Your purpose can be the driving force for not only self-improvement but allows you the opportunity to enhance other people’s lives as well.

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”
-Bishop T.D. Jakes

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”
-John F. Kennedy

“When you believe in your purpose you can work through obstacles, overcome disappointments, and endure hardships.”
-Billy Cox

“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.”
-Vince Lombardi

“When you fuel up with purpose you find the excitement in the mundane, the passion in the everyday, the extraordinary in the ordinary.”
-Jon Gordon

…and remember, life isn’t happening to you, life is responding to you, so let’s make the best of it. Have purpose.

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