Motivation Manifesto Part Six

Motivation Manifesto Part Six

Apr 15, 2023 | Thoughts & Musings

1. We Shall Meet Life With Full Presence and Power.
2. We Shall Reclaim Our Agenda.
3. We Shall Defeat Our Demons.
4. We Shall Advance With Abandon.
5. We Shall Practice Joy And Gratitude.
6. We Shall Not Break Our Integrity.
7. We Shall Inspire Greatness.
8. We Shall Slow Time.

In our darkest hours, we are tempted to break our integrity – to compromise who we are, what we believe in, and what we know to be right, true, and good. There is an opportunity to be weak and heartless, and it is taken. An impulse arises to be cruel or to cheat or to run from our very own dreams, and sadly it is followed. Right when it counts the most, we forget what is important and abandon our higher moral convictions. We let disappointment win the day and hastily quit on our dreams just because we stumbled. We act indifferently or cowardly just when the world needs our presence and strength.
Most breaks in our integrity are small in scale and go unnoticed. They often come when we are too busy to pay attention.

Its time to remind ourselves that today’s thoughts and actions become our legacy. When we forget this or lie to ourselves thinking our actions do not matter, we have given permission to act as momentary buffoons. We let ourselves break, just this once, from our values. Without vigilance, what is right and strong about the human spirit can be whittled away and broken forever.
Let us not forget that our actions form, piece by piece, a structure that is either upright and strong or crooked and bent. And so let us aim to be our highest selves, keeping our character and values intact, meeting every situation with solid integrity and generous humanity. When the next temptation comes to be weak and heartless – and it will come – we will not take it. Instead, there will be a strong, grounded refusal to break, a decision not to compromise or lower ourselves.

Personal freedom, and the hope of mankind, rests on our commitment to stay true to ourselves, our dreams, our word, and our goodness. By refusing to bend on our values, we become unbreakable – solid and stable, courageous and certain, men and women of valor, worth, and character. Let us build a life we are proud of.
Let us declare: We Shall Not Break Integrity
-Brendon Burchard

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”
-C.S. Lewis

“Listen With Curiosity. Speak With Honesty. Act With Integrity.”
-Roy T. Bennett

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

“Integrity – The choice between what’s convenient and what’s right.”
-Tony Dungy

“If you believe in unlimited quality and act in all your business dealing with total integrity, the rest will take care of itself.”
-Frank Perdue

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”
-William Shakespeare

“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”
-Brene Brown

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