Motivation Manifesto Part Seven

Motivation Manifesto Part Seven

Aug 26, 2023 | Thoughts & Musings

  1. We Shall Meet Life With Full Presence and Power.
  2. We Shall Reclaim Our Agenda.
  3. We Shall Defeat Our Demons.
  4. We Shall Advance With Abandon.
  5. We Shall Practice Joy And Gratitude.
  6. We Shall Not Break Our Integrity.
  7. We Shall Inspire Greatness.
  8. We Shall Slow Time.

Without more people deciding to serve as role models and leaders, our society has become a suffering case of the silent and bland leading the silent and bland.

There is a confused complacency – everyone knows there is more for us, but it’s just too much trouble to organize ourselves to chase it. It is easier to indulge in our comforts, our profits, our easygoing ways. Such habits have reduced our individual greatness and led to a worldwide failure in leadership. If we continue this path, history will not be kind to us, and a cheated destiny will exact its revenge. Perhaps some people are indeed so buried in their life’s challenges that they can hardly inspire themselves, let alone inspire others.

…and now we are at a fascinating place where billions of us so desperately want the world to improve, and we want to give, to believe in, to fight for. We are looking forward to contributing our creativity, sweat, and fire to something that matters, to something that improves our lives and the lives of others. We are now tired of waiting. So let us lead.

No matter what position we hold at work, at school, or in our community, we shall show the world an alternative example by always caring enough to be remarkable and unifying.

 Much of the impact of our legacy in this world hinges on our willingness to demand more from people. Demand does not mean to be pushy or commanding, though a leader should not shrink from this. Demand means setting expectations, communicating with candor, and constantly holding people to high standards by incentivizing those who rise to the challenge while simultaneously calling out and coaching those who do not. Because many do not like the concept of reprimanding others in today’s touchy-feely, overly tolerant environment where people want to be friends, not leaders, we must revisit the concept.

A society that lacks good people willing to speak against evil or low standards can only devolve into darkness and mediocrity.

 When people do something wrong, they need to be told they are doing something wrong. If not, standards slump. How are you doing someone a favor by accepting mediocre work? You are not only cheating them from the opportunity to learn, to improve, and to grow, but you are unfairly cheating yourself, your associates and co-workers, and your company. How can that be construed as anything short of neglect on your part?

This is what a virtuous world requires; candid people willing to hold high standards for themselves and others.

 Some people tell us not to expect much from others. They will tell us it is unfair to desire more from people. Those who doubt the power and potential of people say, “Go easy on others. They are weak and weary, so set small goals for them or they will feel overwhelmed and, too often, disappointed.” These are the catcalls of mediocrity. We must not listen to doubters or allow our small imaginations to cast others as less vital and powerful than their potential, no matter their current state. Who are we to question someone’s ability to grow or be great? Let us note the challenges people face but let us always hold them in high regard and respect. From this place alone we will gain their favor and willingness to rise.
Let us declare: We Shall Inspire Greatness
-Brendon Burchard

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
-Winston Churchill

“From the little spark may burst a mighty flame.”

“What makes greatness is starting something that lives after you.”
-Ralph W. Sockman

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