How to Choose the Best Type of Hay

How to Choose the Best Type of Hay

Jun 1, 2023 | News

Hay is an essential part of a small pet’s diet, whether it is a rabbit, guinea pig, chinchilla, or any other small herbivore. Not only does it provide them with the necessary fiber, but it also keeps their teeth healthy and gives them something to chew on. However, not all hays are created equal, and it’s important to choose the right type for your pet.

Timothy Hay – Timothy hay is the most widely used hay for small pets. It has a high fiber content and a low calcium content, making it an ideal choice for animals prone to bladder stones or urinary tract problems. Timothy hay is also low in protein and calories, which can help prevent obesity. It has a sweet, grassy smell and a slightly crunchy texture that many small pets love.

Orchard Grass Hay – Orchard grass hay is another popular choice for small pets. It is similar to Timothy hay in terms of its fiber and calcium content, but it has a softer texture and a sweeter taste. Orchard grass hay is a good choice for picky eaters who may not be interested in Timothy hay and owners who have allergies.

Alfalfa Hay – Alfalfa hay is higher in protein and calcium than Timothy hay or Orchard grass hay, making it a good choice for young or pregnant animals that need extra nutrients. However, it is not recommended for adult animals or those prone to bladder stones or other urinary tract problems, as the high calcium content can contribute to these issues.

Oat Hay – Oat hay is a good source of fiber but can be higher in protein and calories than Timothy or orchard grass hays.  Oat hay’s unique and bold flavor makes it a great hay to add variety to a small pet’s diet.  It’s a good choice for animals that need to gain weight or those that are very active, but it should be given in moderation to avoid overfeeding.

Native Prairie Hay – Prairie Hay can also be an excellent choice for small pets, as it is a natural, diverse blend of grasses, flowers, and herbs that grow in prairie ecosystems. It offers a variety of nutrients and is high in fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system in small herbivores.

When choosing hay for your small pet, it’s important to look for high-quality hay that is reduced in dust, and free from mold and other contaminants. You should also make sure that it is fresh and has a pleasant smell. Lastly, you should always provide hay in unlimited quantities to ensure your pet has access to the necessary fiber to keep their digestive system healthy.

In conclusion, choosing the right type of hay for your small pet is an important part of their overall health and well-being. By considering their nutritional needs, taste preferences, and any health issues they may have, you can choose the best type of hay to keep them happy and healthy.

We offer a Variety box that can be used to test out what Grandpa’s Best Hay your furry friend prefers. 

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