Have An Opinion …even if it’s wrong

Have An Opinion …even if it’s wrong

Jun 22, 2024 | Thoughts & Musings

To be creative, lose the fear of being wrong.

No one likes a person without an opinion. At worst you could be wrong (and if so, graciously admit and accept). I’m not saying you walk in the first day and tell everyone what you think. You listen. You survey. You pay attention to what people who’ve been there longer say. There’s a big difference between someone with a valid opinion and a loudmouth know-it-all. The loudmouth says stupid things, makes irresponsible remarks and comments, and many times overplays their confidence (and most certainly their knowledge). Form opinions quickly. Think in terms of that you don’t have the patience, and time to mull over everything before deciding. People who ponder perpetually are irresponsible. Think of it this way; You can examine every side of an issue or problem, and still not come to a conclusion, because most everything in life is a guess. It’s a puzzle without any definitive solution – and in business it’s even worse. It’s based-on instinct – best decisions based on best facts at the time. You know you could be wrong, but if you go with the assumption of “I may be wrong,” then you are most often going to be wrong. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’re not going to make it, it’s that simple. You might have great instincts, but if you ignore them, you lose – because you’re afraid of what might happen. Then, nothing happens.

“He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, will never be wiser tomorrow than he is today.”
-Tryon Edwards

“I love being wrong because that means in that instant, I learned something new that day.”
-Neil deGrasse Tyson

“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.”
-Tony Robbins

“One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.”
-Richard Branson  

“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything, not trying, not pushing. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.”
-John Wooden

…but remember, The more opinions you have, the less you see. There is a difference between opinions and opiniated!

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