Chinchillas and Their Need for Hay

Chinchillas and Their Need for Hay

Oct 15, 2022 | News

Originating from South America, chinchillas make fun, fuzzy pets. These little pets are in the rodent family and are commonly shy, quiet, fast, and agile jumpers. To keep their bodies fueled for their daily activity (or more specifically, their nighttime activity as they are nocturnal!), chinchillas should have access to hay free choice 24 hours a day. Just like other herbivores, hay should be the main component of a chinchilla’s diet to fulfill their fiber needs. Hay will also help file down chinchillas’ ever-growing teeth, which can grow two inches each year!

Chinchillas are known to have sensitive digestive tracts, so it’s important to make any dietary changes gradually over time so they have time to acclimate accordingly. They can also develop bladder stones easily, so it is important to give them hay that is lower in calcium, such as Timothy Hay, Orchard Grass, Oat Hay, and Native Kansas Prairie Hay. Hay is also a perfect, soft place for your chinchilla to cuddle up in and nest while they sleep during the day and we don’t believe there is a better bedding hay out there than our soft Native Kansas Prairie Hay.

At Grandpa’s Best, we are proud to offer premium hay for your special pet including Timothy Hay, Orchard Grass Hay, Native Kansas Prairie Hay, and Oat Hay. All products are available in various package sizes, including loose boxed hay and our super-efficient mini bale which provides an amazing amount of bulk hay while staying fresh. We encourage you to try our products and see which your chinchilla likes most! If you have any questions give us a shout by sending an email to our team at or calling our office at 785-527-8250.

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