Proverbs for Young Engineers

Proverbs for Young Engineers

PROVERBS FOR YOUNG ENGINEERS and Some Older Ones, Too By Philip Swain Editor, Power Magazine 1. The ability to see the obvious is a rare and valuable talent. 2. In the engineering world, brilliance doesn’t rate unless tied to common sense, character, and...
Kaizen Continuous Improvement

Kaizen Continuous Improvement

The word ‘Kaizen’ is composed of two Japanese words: ‘kai’ meaning ‘change’ and ‘zen’ meaning ‘for the better’. In the Kaizen philosophy, innovation is seen as an incremental process; it’s not about making big leaps forward, but rather making small things better, in...
Developing Awareness

Developing Awareness

We have, as a people, become obsessed with the development of the intellect, but we so often ignore the development of awareness. A person may be highly educated, can have doctorates in two or three subjects, and yet be unaware of how to earn money, how to build a...
So How Good Do You Want To Be?

So How Good Do You Want To Be?

Good. Quite Good. Very Good. The best in our field. Or the best in the world? “Talent helps but it won’t take you as far as ambition. Everybody wants to be good, but few are prepared to make the sacrifices to be great. You will become whoever you want to be.” -Paul...
Positive Energy

Positive Energy

It’s a term being talked about a lot more frequently in conference rooms, classrooms, locker rooms, and even living rooms. Perhaps it’s because there is an abundance of new research that shows that positive people, positive communication, positive interactions, and...