

Jul 16, 2022 | Thoughts & Musings

“Awareness precedes change.”
-Robin Sharma

Awareness is the ability to perceive what is going on – or not going on – in the world around and within us. Paying attention is proactive. It is a conscious act that expands our consciousness. A key to dramatic growth is to recognize an amazing paradox; by accepting and actually embracing our limitations, we allow ourselves to open up to the knowledge, experience, and insights of others. If we allow ourselves to be fascinated, learning comes more easily.

“Every human has four endowments – self-awareness, conscience, independent will, and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.”
-Stephen Covey

“Awareness without action is worthless.”
-Phil McGraw

People tend to seek out and value perspectives that are consistent with their own self-interest, self-image, and worldview. Without open-minded discourse and discovery, this self-selection adds to the long list of culture and political issues that divide us. We take sides, and those sides become more and more polarized and politicized. This is the antithesis of elevated awareness, understanding, and growth. We understand more, because we become more. Conversely, we become more by understanding more. There is so much more to life than we can possibly comprehend and experience; and when our awareness expands, so does our world… and it becomes increasingly wonderous.
“Self-awareness doesn’t stop you from making mistakes. It allows you to learn from them.”

The path to ongoing enlightenment begins by losing our death grip on our opinions, beliefs, and ingrained behaviors. When we let go, we create space to let in new insights and observations. As we explore, we expand and we become more aware. Letting go and opening up allows us to confront repressed feelings and fears.
“A superior man is one who is free from fear and anxieties.”

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”
-Eckhart Tolle

“Self-awareness allows you to self correct.”
-Bill Hybels

“The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.”
-Nathaniel Branden

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
-Carl Gustav Jung

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